TT250 Rear Wheel Removal and Reinstallation
Rear wheel removal and reinstallation is easy on the CSC TT250 motorcycle. You’ll need a way to get the rear wheel off the ground, 18mm and 19mm wrenches, a 10mm socket wrench, and that’s about it.
The first step is to get the rear wheel off the ground. Here in the CSC service area, we use a motorcycle jack. You can use a tree stump, a suitable block, a milk crate…really, anything that will support and balance the motorcycle with the rear wheel off the ground.
The rear wheel axle has an 18mm bolt head on the right side of the motorcycle.
The rear wheel axle has a 19mm self-locking nut on the left side of the motorcycle.
Unbolt the nut and withdraw the axle from the right side of the motorcycle.
It’s a lot easier to get the rear wheel off the motorcycle with the rear brake caliper removed. Unbolt the rear caliper by removing the two 10mm bolts shown below, and take the caliper off of the rotor.
Push the rear wheel forward and take the chain off the rear wheel sprocket.
As you pull the rear wheel away from the motorcycle, remove the caliper mount.
Note that the rear wheel bushing on the right side is integral to the caliper. There are no other bushings or washers on the right side of the motorcycle.
The left side of the motorcycle has a bushing that fits between the rear wheel and the swingarm. It is orientation insensitive (it can be installed either way).
Rear wheel installation is the reverse of removal. The caliper bolts should be torqued to 22 ft-lbs. The rear axle nut should be torqued to 35 ft-lbs.
When the rear wheel is installed, the chain should be adjusted and the rear wheel should be aligned. These maintenance activities are addressed in the chain adjustment and wheel alignment tutorial.