
SG250 Fork Service

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SG250 Fork Service

Tools Required:

12mm socket 17mm wrench Flat Head Screwdriver

4mm Allen 22mm wrench

5mm Allen 14mm wrench

6mm Allen 35mm Fork Seal Driver

8mm Allen Fork Oil

Put SG250 on center stand and lift as seen above

Remove front fender with 4mm and 5mm Allen bits

Remove axle with 14mm and 17mm wrench or socket

Unscrew with 4mm Allen

Loosen with 8mm Allen

Take off brake caliper with 12mm wrench or socket

Remove Axle

Loosen top of the fork with a 22mm wrench

Remove as shown

Place rag to protect tank

Remove the fork

Remove dust seal using a flat head screwdriver

Remove retaining clip with flat head screwdriver

Unscrew as shown

Remove with 14 and 22 wrench and dispose of oil

Take off cap

Remove the retaining ring

Remove the 2nd retaining ring

Remove the washer

Remove the oil seal

Place electrical tape around the tube to prevent the metal from cutting the new seal upon install

Put new pieces on in order shown then take off the tape

Put on

If done correct will be in this order

Put piece back on as shown

Add 6oz or 177cc of fork oil into shock

Use 35mm fork seal driver to set the oil seal

Install retaining clip

Push in dust seal (the handle of a screwdriver can be used to tap into place)

Tighten with 14mm and 22mm wrench

Tighten with 22mm wrench

Put fork back on bike

Retighten bolts